1 EURO = 4.9443 RON

How to buy?

How to buy:

Bistri-Vet offers you simple ways whereby anyone can shop easily and efficiently.

After registration/Log in, all you have to do is: go to the wanted product, by :

       1.Using the “Search” field-located in the upper left side of the site-enter the product name and then search.

       2.Using the Menu Bar from the upper side of the screen: 

      3.On the left side of the screen you can find the following products:

After adding a product to your shopping cart, you will be informed at the top side of the screen that:

By accessing: Shopping Cart ,you can view there the selected products.

By accessing the “Quantity” field, you can change the selected quantity.

When you finish adding the products, access “Finish Order” and all you have to do is complete the 5 following steps of the order form:

1.Billing Address

2.Delivery Address

3.Payment method

4.Payment Details


When you Log In, your data will be automatically filled in the order form, all you have to do is to access the “Continue” button. After you filled in every field, you agree the Terms and Conditions, then, you access the “Finish”. Now your order has arrived in our system and will be processed as soon as possible. 

On the screen you'll have at the moment a page with your order information: the order number (this number is very important, because you can obtain information about your order anytime ,from our operators just by specifying this number), as well as other details about the order, like ordered products and the payment amount.

For any other information please contact us by e-mail:  comenzi@bistrivet.ro or phone: +4 0735 859 936.